Ordering Information
Should you have any questions not covered here, please use the contact form. Thank you!
We ONLY ship within the U.S and accept U.S. payments.
PAYMENT- We use Paypal to process all orders. You do not need a Paypal account to order. You can use a credit card on their site. We do not have a minimum order, however you will save on shipping if you order multiple items.
SHIPPING- Minimum shipping charge is $6.95. We ship using the USPS. Please allow 3-10 days for delivery depending on how far you live from Ohio. USPS did a drastic rate raise on 01/17/16. We try to keep shipping costs as close as possible to what it will cost us to ship. If you are charged $3 or more over actual cost, notify us and we will refund the overage via your original payment method. We will make sure each package is insured, however we cannot be responsible for packages that the USPS will not pay an insurance claim on such as those stolen from your property once delivered.
LOCAL CUSTOMERS- If you live near Portsmouth, OH and plan on picking up your order, enter the discount code localpickup at checkout to have shipping charges removed. Please only do this if you are local. All orders being shipped require shipping charges.
RETURNS- Due to the nature of the products offered here, we do not accept returns unless the wrong item was sent.
PRIVACY POLICY- We respect your privacy. We will not misuse, sell, or exploit any information provided to us. All of your information provided to us is for the express purpose of processing your order. By supplying such information, we will retain only the information needed to complete your order and keep a log for our business transactions. Any information provided to us will not be shared with any other company or 3rd Party.
The information collected is as follows:
Name, Billing Address, Shipping Address, Home Phone, E-mail
We value your continued business and will be happy to answer any and all of your questions. You can reach us via the contact form